December 20, 2013

Video: The Heritage of La Mer

New video about the heritage of La Mer, the process and promise.

Celebrity List ★ Blake Lively

Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively is now on the My Crème de la Mer Celebrity List, and says;

"La Mer (The Crème) is extravagant and feels so luxurious on your skin".

December 19, 2013

$15,000.00 Boucheron Limited Edition Case

Only $15,000.00 for this extremely limited edition gold-plated Boucheron Case, with Crème de La Mer and completed with a saphire, made to order.

You simply have to watch this video!:

La Mer on Instagram

@LaMerOfficial is growing rapidly on Instagram, currently with more than 3,000 followers.

Editors in chic for La Mer post about official La Mer products and events, with the occasional competition - follow @LaMerOfficial, and also @MyCremedelaMer on Instagram.

The Eye Treatments Enhanced Video

Enhanced ritual on applying your La Mer Eye Treatments.

Watch on

December 9, 2013